Temporal Inference of Financial Arguments

NTCIR-18  FinArg-2

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In FinArg-1, we explored three types of financial documents and proposed tasks that combine argument mining and sentiment analysis. In FinArg-2, we aim to introduce "Temporal Inference of Financial Arguments," focusing on the assessment of temporal information, which is a distinct phenomenon in financial opinions. In FinArg-2, we will continue utilizing the same resources as in FinArg-1, including analyst reports, earnings conference calls, and social media data. Furthermore, all annotations will be on the same documents, enabling participants to leverage features from FinArg-1 to enhance their performance.

In FinArg-2, we outline three tasks as follows:

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Previous Shared Task Series

FinArg Shared Task Series

FinArg-1 in NTCIR-17 (2023): Fine-grained Argument Understanding in Financial Analysis 

FinNum Shared Task Series

FinNum-2 in NTCIR-15 (2020): Numeral Attachment in Financial Tweets